Loose Change

The large core of us met at Paganello in 2022. One team of American misfits with some Dutch pickups who were there to drink cheap wine and have fun on the field came up against a group of goofy and party-loving yet hyper-competitive Germans. We instantly bonded and had one hell of a game followed by multiple nights of partying together and getting to know one another. Through dancefloors, drinking games, pickup, playing catch, and talking about life, many of us became close friends and have stayed in touch ever since. We've scattered to our different corners of the world and played all levels of ultimate since then from Worlds level teams to other international party tournaments like Boracay. We’re looking for a chance to finally play together instead of against each other and bring that beautiful balance of skill, flair, and party ability to Windmill.

Roster 2024

(Chuck) Charlie Cannon (Charlie Cannon (Chuck))
Marty Shanahan
Tyler Hembrock
Alex Southard
(Rusty) Russell McDonald Null
Will McDonald
Alex Piff
Peter Brockmeier
Sloth Jackson
Carsten “Cabu” Büchner ((Cabu)Carsten Büchner)
Jackson Gillenwaters
Cody Johnston
Austin Gould
Jannis Gauger
Max Hamilton
Niko Michetschläger
Caspar Gross
Jakob Schäfer
Matt LaFever
Damian Hoke

Quick facts

Party Central
Roster size
Windmill attendings

Road to Windmill 2024

This road looks pretty empty..