Devon Ultimate

Devon Ultimate - officially the most spirited team in Europe - was established in Exeter, Devon in 2004 mainly through the incorporation of Exeter & Plymouth University Ultimate players. Over the past 15 years as a club we have had a influx of world class players from these Universities but also developing from the UK's most successful Junior Ultimate team 'Airbadgers' based in Exeter. Devon Ultimate has always competed to the highest standard in UK Ultimate and over recent years has been considered one of the top teams in the UK. Over the past few years Devon has had great results competing at Toms Tourney, UK Tour, EUCF & WUCC 2018 in Cincinnati. Devon is not like other ultimate teams. The bond between all players is incredibly special & we are a brotherhood always striving to be the best version of ourselves physically, mentally & spiritually. There will be multiple players competing for GB Open, Mixed, Masters,U20s & U24s over the next years, as well as veterans from GB, French and Swedish national teams, so the quality of players within the roster is incredibly high. Devon has evolved over the past year domestically in the UK utilising the deep experience of long established players to bring through the next generation of GB players from the South West. In saying this we will never stray away from our ethos of loving each other, being as athletic, fast & strong as possible whilst bringing joy to the teams around us. After a strong Windmill performances in 2019, 2022 and 2023 (including winning spirit) we want to beat as many National teams as possible who will be prepping for Worlds!! No doubt there will be some huge upsets in the process. Follow @sexydevonfishmonsters on Instagram #norestforthesexy

Roster 2024

Andy Paterson (Andrew Paterson)
Alex Bradshaw
Juma Null
Marcell (Marcell Kuba)
Terry Tincknell (Miles Tincknell)
Nathan Kolakovic
Pierre Lemerle
Renaud Moirier (Reno Moirier)
Piers Tincknell
Robin Ellis Cockcroft
Redd (Chris Redd)
James Barnaville
Manuel de San Mateo Manal (Manuel De San Mateo)

Quick facts

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Roster size
Windmill attendings

Road to Windmill 2024

UK Nationals (2)
1 / 16
18 / 20
20 / 26